
Do the Rich and Poor Require Different Types of Motivation? Republican’s Must Think So.

2013-12-03T22:58:01-05:00July 12th, 2012|Categories: Economy, Politics, Taxes|Tags: , , , , |

If taking away basic necessities like healthcare, food assistance programs, unemployment insurance payments is supposed to motivate the poor and unemployed to work harder, get a job (or a second or third job) then why isn't increasing the taxes on the rich a great way to motivate them to work harder creating more jobs, starting [...]

Romney Thinks Like a Predatory Investor Not Like a President

2018-04-23T16:49:54-05:00June 1st, 2012|Categories: Economy, Housing|Tags: , , , |

When the home prices were in free fall and banks were foreclosing on millions of homes, Mitt Romney famously said that instead of the government intervening to help homeowners, home prices should be allowed to drop and eventually investors will come into the housing market, buy up the properties and rebuild the market value of [...]

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