A portion of a message sent to Sen. Rob Portman (R) and Rep. David Joyce (R) by a reader.

The information and article below are deeply disturbing

Trump Clamps Down on the Truth

First AG Bar says no investigations of candidates without his personal approval (meaning not Trump but everyone else is fair game) and now a Trump sycophant with no intelligence qualifications sits atop the reporting of all intelligence because Trump can’t stand the truth and neither can his ego.

Intimidating Truth Tellers and Pardoning Cronies

Trump punishing anyone he feels slights or harms him and pardoning his kinsman in crime, fraud, etc. is akin to witness intimidation and his giving pardons to those who support him or do crimes similar to those Trump has one or one can imagine he would is a welcome sign the Whitehouse is fine with crime and open for business for payments to help Trump.

I know of at least two of those Trump pardoned had family or friends donate in a big way to reelect Trump. In one case hundreds of thousands of dollars. In another case the pardon was at the request of someone who just raised $10M dollars to help reelect Trump.

Below is an excerpt from an article in the Washington Post included in the message to the Senator and Congressman


Highlighted in Red and Bold by this author, not the Washington Post

William McRaven: If good men like Joe Maguire can’t speak the truth, we should be deeply afraid

Joseph Maguire (Matt McClain/The Washington Post)

By William H. McRaven

Feb. 21, 2020 at 8:04 p.m. EST

Admiral McRaven

Joseph Maguire (Matt McClain/The Washington Post)

William H. McRaven, a retired Navy admiral, was commander of the U.S. Special Operations Command from 2011 to 2014. He oversaw the 2011 Navy SEAL raid in Pakistan that killed Osama bin Laden.

Edmund Burke, the Irish statesman and philosopher, once said: “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” Over the course of the past three years, I have watched good men and women, friends of mine, come and go in the Trump administration — all trying to do something — all trying to do their best. Jim Mattis, John Kelly, H.R. McMaster, Sue Gordon, Dan Coats and, now, Joe Maguire, who until this week was the acting director of national intelligence.

I have known Joe for more than 40 years. There is no better officer, no better man and no greater patriot. He served for 36 years as a Navy SEAL. In 2004, he was promoted to the rank of rear admiral and was chosen to command all of Naval Special Warfare, including the SEALs. Those were dark days for the SEALs. Our combat losses from wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were the highest in our history, and Joe and his wife, Kathy, attended every SEAL funeral, providing comfort and solace to the families of the fallen.

But it didn’t stop there. Not a day went by that the Maguires didn’t reach out to some Gold Star family, some wounded SEAL, some struggling warrior. Every loss was personal, every family precious. When Joe retired in 2010, he tried the corporate world. But his passion for the Special Operations soldiers was so deep that he left a lucrative job and took the position as the president of the Special Operations Warrior Foundation, a charity that pays for educating the children of fallen warriors. READ FULL ARTICLE IN WASHINGTON POST