2nd amendment

How Does This “Stand Up to A Tyrannical Government with Second Amendment Remedies” Thing Work?

2018-04-23T16:49:53-05:00April 19th, 2013|Categories: Legal, Politics|Tags: , , |

Always Thinking First, who determines when it’s time to overthrow or even just shoot at the duly elected government, police and the US military?  Isn’t that against the law and why we have elections and our form of government? How many angry militant second amendment rights people with semi automatic weapons will it [...]

Which Tyrants do We Need 2nd Amendment Protection From?

2013-12-03T22:56:27-05:00April 18th, 2013|Categories: Politics, Uncategorized|Tags: , , |

The NRA’s influence on government officials and policy is solely focused on the interests of the profit-making gun and ammo manufacturers and against the interest of the vast majority of Americans, even most NRA members and gun owners. Tyrannical rule is not when elected officials impose constitutionally allowed and reasonable restrictions on gun ownership and [...]

46 US Senators, Each of Whom Voted to Enable the Killing of More Americans than The Boston Marathon Bombers

2018-04-23T16:49:53-05:00April 17th, 2013|Categories: Politics|Tags: , , , , |

With 90% of Americans, 80% of Republicans and a similar percent of gun owners, including NRA members, supporting universal background checks 46 US Senators, mostly Republicans but also some Democrats, voted to block the passing by majority vote of even the watered down bill that would have expanded background checks to include sales at gun [...]

Guns in Schools: The Cost in So Many Ways is Too High, But What a Good Way to Sell More Guns

2018-04-23T16:49:54-05:00January 2nd, 2013|Categories: Politics|Tags: , , , , , |

Instead of making it harder for people to bring high capacity assault type weapons into schools, the NRA’s solution to keeping kids safe is to bring more guns into schools.  What a great marketing strategy! I’m not saying that in some schools, in some neighborhoods, trained, disciplined, armed police are not warranted.  But guns in [...]

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