Monthly Archives: May 2013

It’s Hard to Take Republican Fauxrage Seriously

2019-09-19T12:39:28-05:00May 16th, 2013|Categories: Politics|

It’s hard to take Republican fauxrage seriously about Benghazi when they voted down gun checks that could help reduce the deaths of 30+ people a day who die from guns. It’s hard to take Republican fauxrage seriously about the first on air statements by Amb. Rice said about Benghazi attach as being Clinton’s fault when [...]

Outrage vs. Fauxrage 

2013-12-03T22:55:37-05:00May 16th, 2013|Categories: Media, Politics|

Outrage is the legitimate feeling you instinctively get when something is outrageous. � Fauxrage is what politicians exhibit when they think it serves their purpose.

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