It’s hard to take Republican fauxrage seriously about Benghazi when they voted down gun checks that could help reduce the deaths of 30+ people a day who die from guns.

It’s hard to take Republican fauxrage seriously about the first on air statements by Amb. Rice said about Benghazi attach as being Clinton’s fault when they spent all that time saying it was Amb. Rice’s fault.

It’s hard to take Republican fauxrage seriously about the first on air statements Amb. Rice said about Benghazi being Obama trying to make himself look better before an election when within a day or two, he came out with calling it terror…well before the election.

It’s hard to take Republican fauxrage seriously about the Obama administration being responsible for allowing the Benghazi attacks when they were silent about the 60+ diplomatic attacks under the Cheney, I mean Bush administration.

It’s hard to take Republican fauxrage seriously about Benghazi not being adequately protected when they cut $300 million from the security budget for the State Department.

While the Benghazi deaths are tragic, It’s hard to take Republican fauxrage seriously about these 4 deaths when you hear virtually nothing from them about the thousands of brave American’s killed in Iraq, tens of thousands wounded and hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilian killed because Bush/Cheney took us to War under false pretenses.

It’s not hard to imagine why Republicans wouldn’t think that the first, initial reports about Benghazi, a CIA office under cover of being a State Department office, where carefully edited while figuring out how to not out CIA operatives or those in Libya helping us because Lord knows, Republicans have no problem outing CIA agents.